Legacy & Planned Giving
A Christ-centered financial plan helps you wisely steward what the Lord has entrusted to you. Biblical generosity produces “the fruit that increases to your credit” (Philippians 4:17 ESV), so you can effectively accomplish what God leads you to do on earth while laying up treasures in heaven. This is the process of building a Godly legacy.
A legacy plan starts with "today" and extends beyond your lifetime as your resources are used to help hurting people and share the Gospel with those who have never heard. Person by person, your legacy plan makes an eternal difference.
The resources provided here will help you. Our Development Team also stands ready to assist.
For information regarding setting up Donor Advised Funds, please contact us:
Forest Springs
Attn: Legacy
N8890 Forest Lane
Westboro, WI 54490
Phone: 715.436.7378
TAX ID NUMBER: # 39-1249982