Golden Agers Day

April 30, 2024

Golden Agers Day is a day event for seniors featuring uplifting music, wonderful food, and excellent Bible teaching. Featuring musical guests - The Promise Quartet - our Golden Agers Day is a refreshing day of fun and Christian fellowship in the Northwoods you won't want to miss!


9:00 - Registration and refreshments
10:15 - Session
12:00 - Lunch
1:30 - Session
2:30 - Lodge Cafe & Gift Shop Open / Departure

*Please call if you have special dietary needs. We will be happy to accommodate your situation.



Tim is a graduate of Trinity International University with 30 years of experience. He longs to see people transformed by the gospel and Biblical truth. In recent years, he has served as an Interim Pastor. This past year, Tim has been a Hospice Chaplain assisting people at the end of life find peace, joy, comfort and hope in Christ. Tim is an elder at Edgewood Community Church. He and his wife of 30 years, Jenny, have two grown children who enjoy serving at Forest Springs.