Interstate Park & Flambeau River State Park June 16-22, 2024
Price: $486
Forest Springs’ Adventure Trips remove youth from the distractions of daily life, placing them in an adventurous environment that phenomenally facilitates the building of relationships and spiritual growth. The Canoe/Climb wilderness trip incorporates three days and two nights canoeing on Wisconsin’s Flambeau River in the Flambeau River State Park and roughly one day and two nights climbing at Interstate Park in Minnesota. Beginning at Forest Springs, the group will travel to the Interstate Park on Monday morning, transitioning to the Flambeau River on Wednesday, and returning to Camp on Friday afternoon. The trip officially ends Saturday morning after breakfast.
All of Forest Springs’ wilderness trips are co-ed and are led by highly trained trip leaders. These trip leaders undergo three intense weeks of wilderness training, including First Responder certification, Swift Water Rescue training, as well as instruction and experience in canoeing, climbing, backpacking, and kayaking. In order to meet the spiritual needs of the group, a speaker accompanies the trip leaders, coordinating the spiritual teaching. Forest Springs desires to provide the best possible leadership for each camper that comes through our Adventure Programs.
The trip experience begins on Sunday evening. Once the entire group has arrived, the trip leaders take the group through a process of orientation, familiarizing the group with the expectations, guidelines, and equipment that accompany the trip. Sunday evening involves a time of relaxation and fellowship before leaving on Monday morning.
Monday morning arrives with breakfast before everyone loads the bus and travels to Interstate Park, MN for their climbing portion of their trip. Early in the afternoon, the group will arrive at Interstate Park and set up camp for the evening. Interstate Park is “known for its distinctive geology. Not only does the park feature glacial potholes, cliffs and dells, it boasts a minimum of 10 lava flows, the result of ancient earthquakes.” Interstate Park is home to a number of challenging and stunning climbs. Monday and Tuesday will be a full day of climbing. If the weather does not allow for climbing, the area is also home to some hiking trails which the group would utilize.
On Wednesday the group heads to the Flambeau for the canoeing portion of the trip, arguably the best paddle in Wisconsin. For three days and two nights, the group will canoe down the majestic Flambeau waters, traversing flat water and white water rapids, a perfect combination for both the experienced and novice canoeist. The trip leaders will not only navigate the group down the river but also facilitate times of spiritual reflection and physical recreation in God’s creation. Each night will bring the group to a new DNR managed campsite as they progress down the river, enhancing the camping experience.
Friday marks the last day of transition as the trip winds to a close. The group will pack up camp in the morning and head back to Forest Springs after breakfast. Typically, the group will arrive back at camp late in the afternoon, allowing for time to tidy up both gear and persons. The evening is then spent fellowshipping over a special dinner, followed by one last final gathering to debrief and reminisce about the shared experience. Friday night is spent on the grounds at Camp, and the trip officially ends on Saturday morning after breakfast.