Youth Camps

@ Forest Springs

Now, more than ever, there’s a need for young people to get away, try new things, develop new friendships, and strengthen their faith. Since 1958, God has used Forest Springs' youth camps to transform the lives of young people throughout the Midwest. Today, we offer a variety of kids' Bible camp options for those 6 years old through high school.

Whether it's a summer or winter youth camp, kids will enjoy plenty of action-packed program areas, engaging Bible teachers, and plenty of opportunities to create deep connections and lifelong memories.

Young people can expect life-changing moments and memories that will last a lifetime. These may occur during Bible teaching sessions, campfire conversations, or at one of Forest Springs' many program areas.

Programs areas cater to a variety of interests and abilities. Our well-trained, college-age counselors are passionate about forming meaningful relationships with campers, so they feel comfortable and ready for a time of great fun and growth!

Learn more about


Meltdown 2025

Guest Speaker: David Hardie

Forest Springs February 14-16, 2025

Jr High Co-Ed Canoe/Hike Trip

June 22-28, 2025
[Grades 7-9]

Jr High Boys Adventure Sampler

June 28 - July 5, 2025
[Grades 7-9]

Jr High Girls Adventure Sampler

June 29 - July 5, 2025
[Grades 7-9]

Sr High Co-Ed Mystery Trip

July 6-12, 2025
[Grades 9-12]

Sr High Co-Ed Climb/Kayak Trip

June 22-28, 2025
[Grades 9-12]

Discounts & Scholarships Available

Forest Springs offers a discount to families that are sending more than one child to camp. A $50 discount may be applied to each child after the first has registered for a 6-day camp. See below for more information.

Camp can be life-changing, and Forest Springs wants young people to come regardless of their ability to pay. Partial and full scholarships are available for youth camps.

Counselors & Staff

Parents can rest assured that our trained, mission-driven staff will help create a safe, comfortable environment where each child's physical, emotional, and spiritual needs are met.

A thorough hiring process including a detailed application of each applicant's faith formation, and a full, certified criminal background check is conducted on every applicant before he/she is hired and given the responsibility to supervise your child.

All youth camp staff undergo extensive training to ensure they are properly equipped to help meet each camper's need. We are focused on creating an environment where young people can grow in their faith, while also having great fun in an action-packed, outdoor setting. Every counselor is made familiar with each recreation activity offered, to assist campers and ensure their safety.

Our counselors are college-age students with a heart for ministry and who complete our Counselor Training Institute, an intense two-week college-level practicum. The course teaches counseling practices, youth culture trends, first aid and CPR certifications, teaching skills, emotional boundaries & safety, along with spiritual sensitivity.

The first aid staff and waterfront director complete a 40-hour First Responder Course to respond to physical emergencies. All lifeguards and high ropes staff are certified and participate in training to maintain their protection skills.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Forest Springs?

Forest Springs is a non-denominational Christian camp, located in northcentral Wisconsin, comprised of trained staff who use the Bible to help campers develop and grow in a relationship with God. Founded in 1958, Forest Springs is a member of the Christian Camping and Conference Association (CCCA).

Learn more about Forest Springs.

How long are the youth camps?

All summer youth camps (with the exception of Kid's Quest and First Adventure) begin Sunday afternoon and end the following Saturday after breakfast. Winter youth camps run from Friday evening through Sunday morning.

What's the camp schedule like?

While there are many optional activities campers can choose to participate in, we do expect that campers attend all scheduled meetings during the week. As a ministry, we consider scheduled meetings to be an important opportunity for spiritual growth.

Sample Schedule:

6:30 – Wake Up and Personal Devotions
8:15 – Flag Raising
8:30 – Breakfast
9:00 – Cabin Free Time
10:30 – Bible Session 1
12:00 – Lunch
1:00 – Free Time & Camper/Counselor One-on-One Time
5:30 – Dinner
6:15 – All Camp Game
8:30 – Bible Session 2
9:45 – Cabin Devotions
10:30 – Lights Out

Can I contact my child at camp?

We encourage parents to refrain from calling or visiting their children during their week of camp. Of course, parents are encouraged to call if they have any questions during the week.

Where will my child stay at camp?

Our cabins are designed to accommodate a counselor and typically six to eight campers. Each carpeted cabin features private bathrooms and showers.

Forest Springs has separate cabin areas, designated for male and female campers. To maintain privacy, members of the opposite sex are not allowed in the designated cabin areas (i.e. male campers are not allowed in female cabin area).

What is there for my child to do at camp?

Recreational activities include swimming, boating, canoeing, sailing, fishing, biking, and more! Crafts can be made in the handcraft shop. Campers may earn ranks and awards at air rifles and archery, or they may enjoy playing tennis on the well-maintained and lighted courts. The mini-farm and creation station give campers opportunities to see and learn more about what God has created.

Is my child ready for camp?

There is no one better to answer that question than you - the parent. You know your child better than anyone else. While there are some indicators to look for, there is not a simple checklist to help you make the decision.

However, there are a few questions to ask yourself to help determine whether or not your child is ready. They are:

Is your child asking to go to camp or are you making the decision for them?

If your child is asking to go to camp, there is a good chance that they are ready. They probably have already thought through the fact that they will not be at home, or see you for a week. If you desire a camp experience for them but they are not asking, you should at least discuss it with them and bring them into the decision-making process. It may help them get excited or own the decision a little more.

Have they ever stayed away from home overnight? If so, how did that go?

If your child has been away from home overnight and lasted the entire time, he/she could possibly handle 6 nights. If they have never been away before, it may be difficult for them at camp. I would suggest doing a trial run at a relative or friend’s house to see how they do and give them some practice.

Forest Springs also offers a 3-day camp, called Kids’ Quest. It’s open to campers in 2nd through 5th grade, and it’s a great warm-up to our 6-day camps.

How well does your child make new friends or handle social situations?

They will be placed in a setting where they will interact with lots of other kids their age on a daily basis. If they are okay with making new friends or interacting with kids, they might be ready. Keep in mind that there will be plenty of camp counselors on hand to help your child ease into interacting with other campers.

If your child struggles with making new friends, the best thing for them to do is bring a friend or two with them to camp. Camp is better with friends for a child who is nervous about being away from home.

Our counselors and staff members are well-trained in helping your child adjust to their new setting at camp. Besides learning about the Lord while at camp and learning new activities and physical skills, they will also learn responsibility. They will learn how to do things independently from their parents, and also learn how to live in and be part of a temporary community.

Camp is more than just fun and games. A week at camp gives them training that they can use in their personal relationship with Lord, and also back in their home environments.

Are YOU ready for them to be gone for a week?

Many parents, without even knowing it, make it hard for their kids to let go and attend camp. Some parents give out the vibe that mom/dad is going to struggle with their child being gone. If you are nervous about bringing them to camp, there is a good chance that they will be nervous about coming to camp. Stay positive about their time at camp.

Additional Questions?

During their time at camp, we believe that your child will grow in ways that you’ve never expected. We are passionate about camp and your child’s safety and would love to answer any questions you may have. Email our Youth Registrar or call us at 715.436.7378.